Monday, December 28, 2009

Today's mission...

Today I decided to get a picture of the red-bellied woodpeckers that have been visiting our feeders. They have been the most difficult to photograph. They seem to notice every movement inside our home. So I closed all the blinds with the exception of one small opening hoping to conceal myself. I did not get any pictures only this video.

While editing the video a female red-bellied woodpecker stopped at our feeder. I slowly sat my laptop on the floor, grabbed my camera, and belly crawled to the couch to get the following pictures:

Like I said, I was on a mission today!


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Winter visitors

The kids and I have been busy since school started but we have had quite a few visitors at our feeders. Below are a view pictures from the past couple months. We also built blue bird houses for our grandparents for Christmas.